It's a New Year


Time to Get Planning

for New Travel Adventures

A brand-new year is a great time to reflect on the past and plan for the future.  As adults we tend to do this whether we deliberately write down our goals and resolutions or just imagine the changes we'd like to see in the new year.  Sometimes these ideas include personal goals that will positively impact our health or well-being.  Sometimes these ideas include books we want to read, lifestyle changes... or TRAVEL PLANS!

Jotting down ideas and a wish list is a great idea for kids too!  It gives them a chance to reflect on the past and what they're most thankful for or proud of.  It also gives them a chance to look at the world, their lives and imagine the future.  

On this page you'll find two free journal pages (generic enough to work for any year). Decide which one is best for your family, print it out and see what they come up with! If your little ones aren't yet writing, ask them the questions and jot down their responses for them. Be sure and date them too! It will be great fun to look back at them in the future to see what places were on their mind at a particular age. 


Free Journal Pages:


New Years Travel Wish List

Looking Back & Looking Ahead - Journal Page


On January 1st, I'm planning to print the "New Years Travel Wish List" for my family (my husband and me included) and have fun dreaming about the travel possibilities for the new year. Of course, everything on everyone's list won't come true, but you can bet it will influence some of our travels decisions in the coming year.


Happy New Year 

& Make it a great one!





Add Comment
Harmony, Momma To Go says... (Reply)
"This is super cute! I think my kids are old enough to do this!" (12/29/17)
Dianne Sivulka says... (Reply)
"Great! Let the travel planning begin! :-)" (1/1/18)
Melinda says... (Reply)
"Oooo, I love this! We have the kids set goals and we talk about places they want to travel to, but I’ve never thought of combining the two. Genius! Thanks for sharing!" (12/29/17)
Dianne Sivulka says... (Reply)
"So glad you can find it useful! Today is January 1st and I'm planning to have my family work on it this afternoon. Can't wait to see what they dream up!" (1/1/18)
Ariana says... (Reply)
"This is awesome!!! I am totally going to do it with our kids. " (12/30/17)
Dianne Sivulka says... (Reply)
"Great! Hope it leads to great discoveries! :-)" (1/1/18)